UE NEWS Updates


Labour Party Wins Power in UK, French Workers Defeat Far-Right

August 2, 2024

In July, both the United Kingdom and France held national elections. In both countries, parties representing “labour” or working class perspectives did better than expected.

In the UK, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, from the Conservative Party, lacked credibility with the public and faced growing public discontent. Much of this was fueled by extremely high prices, with inflation over 11 percent at one point, and only dropping recently. This has been one of many impacts of the British exit from the European Union, or “Brexit” as it was commonly called.

Texas Court Hands Elon Musk Dangerous Ruling Against Labor Board’s Constitutionality

July 30, 2024

On July 24, a Texas federal district court issued an injunction in a case brought by billionaire Elon Musk’s company Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) against the National Labor Relations Board. The injunction prohibits the NLRB from proceeding with a trial charging SpaceX with committing unfair labor practices. In a troubling decision, the court found that SpaceX was likely to win its case arguing, in essence, that the authority of NLRB Administrative Law Judges, and that of the five members of the NLRB, to whom ALJ decisions can be appealed, is unconstitutional. 

Local 261-GOLD Wins Strong First UE Contract at Dartmouth After Strike

July 29, 2024

In October 2021, a handful of Dartmouth College graduate students gathered in a living room and set out to do something none of them had ever done before — form a labor union. By April 2023, the Graduate Organized Laborers of Dartmouth (GOLD) had overcome unprecedented unionbusting tactics to win recognition as a UE local representing 800 graduate teachers and researchers. On May Day of 2024, GOLD-UE went on strike for a fair contract.

UE Local 712 Reaches Wage Goals, Gets Record Increase in First Year

July 22, 2024

Our Local 712 is a 26-strong group of electricians, plumbers, carpenters, painters, utility workers and helpers. Although a small group in comparison to others, our passion, skills and sense of pride in our work is huge. This band of maintenance workers here at Kenyon College in little Gambier, Ohio ensures safety, comfort and overall quality of life for the students, staff and faculty here. No small undertaking while trying to maintain mostly historical buildings, some over 150 years old. In an ever-changing culture and economy, we found ourselves at the bargaining table again.

Palestinian Trade Unionists Describe Living, Working Conditions in Gaza and West Bank

July 11, 2024

“I keep on asking are they alive or are they dead?”

Shuruq As’ad, a journalist in the West Bank and a member of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, described the constant worry of checking in on her colleagues in Gaza to a webinar hosted by the National Labor Network for Ceasefire on Tuesday, July 9. Due to lack of electricity and internet connection in Gaza, she often doesn’t hear back for several days or a week, and her fear is not unfounded: as she reported, 151 journalists have been killed by the Israeli military in the past nine months.

UE Members Learn about Struggles of Mexican Workers in Worker-to-Worker Exchange

June 14, 2024

A UE delegation traveled to Mexico for a week in May to meet with our allies at the Frente Auténtico del Trabajo (FAT) for the first time since 2017. The trip was an important opportunity to ground UE members in the union’s international solidarity work, which prioritizes supporting workers in their struggles with their bosses. As members learned, even when our managers might be different, our employers use the same kinds of tactics to prevent workers from organizing and to exploit workers’ labor.

General Executive Board Discusses Election, Budget

June 13, 2024

UE’s General Executive Board, made up of elected rank-and-file members from around the country, met from June 5-7.

On the opening day, board members had a frank and wide-ranging discussion about the upcoming presidential election, which offers working people, in the words of Western Region President Bryan Martindale, “the ultimate damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation. “We’re at rock-bottom hard spot,” Martindale said.

Women’s Leadership Program Participant Visits Local 506 Unity Council Training

June 12, 2024

Erin Frimpong is a Local 1177 chief steward and a participant in the UE Women’s Leadership Program. As part of that program, she attended a Unity Council training held by UE Locals 506 and 618 in Erie, Pennsylvania.

On May 30, 2024 I had the pleasure and opportunity to join UE Locals 506 and 618 in their Unity Council training. The experience and information that I received was vast but also informational on many levels.



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