UE Members Sharpen Skills at Buffalo Troublemakers School

October 23, 2024

A dozen UE members from Local 300-Cornell Graduate Students United (CGSU-UE), which represents grad workers at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, and Local 506, which represents production and maintenance workers at the Wabtec Locomotive facility in Erie, PA, attended the Buffalo Troublemakers School organized by Labor Notes on October 19. This was first Troublemakers School in western New York State. UAW Region 9 hosted the daylong event.

More than 150 union members attended the school, which featured with local union leaders sharing stories and lessons about their members’ recent fights with their employer at 11 different workshops and an opening and closing plenary. During lunch, union members participated in breakout groups by sector to have discussions and share information about their particular industry, like public sector, higher ed, healthcare, or manufacturing.

“We had an incredible time learning from our fellow workers this past weekend,” said Maggie Pacheco, a member of Local 300’s bargaining committee. “We are so excited to take these lessons back to CGSU-UE so we can be bolder and stay inspired by our membership and comrades.”

UE Local 506 Financial Secretary Kevin Schroeck
UE Local 506 Financial Secretary Kevin Schroeck speaking at a workshop.

Local 506 Financial Secretary Kevin Schroeck spoke at the workshop “Lessons from Strikes: What Workers Learned Before, During and After the Picket Line” about his local’s 70-day strike against Wabtec in 2023. Schroeck pointed out that preparing for a strike should begin well in advance of striking in order to be in a position to have a successful strike. He mentioned all of the prep work his local engaged in prior to his members voting down Wabtec’s last, best and final contract offer and going out on strike.

“It's was a good day,” said Tonia Bohman, a Local 506 steward. “It amazes me how these events help regain sight on the goal and revitalize us in unity! I wish more members would take advantage of these opportunities to learn more!”


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