
The tremendous problems that face working people in our country, and around the world, call for a labor movement that can carry out aggressive struggle against the organized forces of the employers on all fronts.

UE is dedicated to building that kind of a labor movement, for our own members and for all workers. UE produces a wide range of materials to help our members understand and take action on the issues we face in the workplace and in society, which you can find here:

Information for Workers: Articles from the pages of the UE Steward, our regular publication for stewards. The UE Steward is published between eight and ten times per year, and you can subscribe to the electronic version for free.

Videos for Local Union Meetings: Inspiration, education, animation, labor history and more! Looking for something to enliven your next local union meeting? Show one of these videos, then have a discussion.

“Them and Us Unionism”, a 2020 booklet outlining UE’s philosophy of unionism. Drawing on UE history, “Them and Us Unionism” identifies five core principles of UE’s approach: aggressive struggle, rank and file control, political independence, international solidarity, and uniting all workers. Printed copies can be purchased from the UE online store.

UE locals who wish to assess their local’s development of these principles to build a stronger local union can use this worksheet.

Labor’s Untold Story, the adventure story of the battles, betrayals and victories of American working men and women, published by UE since 1970. The book can be purchased from the UE online store (also available in Spanish).

Resources for Racial Justice, to supplement the new UE antiracism workshop, “Building Solidarity for Racial Justice.” Includes links to UE NEWS articles, videos, documentaries, podcasts, and interactive websites.

Open Books, Tight Fists, UE’s pamphlet on financial integrity in a rank-and-file union, has been published online in a new, updated version. The pamphlet outlines UE’s commitment to honesty, financial transparency, and making sure that dues dollars are used to benefit the entire membership — and more importantly, why these values make for a stronger union.

More Resources

Materials Reuse Policy

UE makes electronic versions of our educational materials available to other workers and trade unions free of charge, in the interest of promoting democratic, rank-and-file trade unionism.

Other workers and unions may reprint and reuse UE materials, provided provide credit to UE and (if online) link to this notice. If you find our materials useful, please let us know at

We retain copyright ownership, and the right to prevent reuse in any way that harms the interests of workers, the labor movement, or UE.