UE NEWS Updates


Local 1107 Members March on Boss to Protest Unjust Termination

September 20, 2024

On Monday, September 16, UE Local 1107 members at Freudenberg marched on the boss during management's pre-shift meeting to protest the unjust termination of Jackie Beccera.

Members voted overwhelmingly to arbitrate Beccera’s termination at the membership meeting the day before. They also voted to use tools brought back from a recent subregion education event to mobilize the membership, instead of just waiting on the painfully slow arbitration process.

Rail Crew Drivers and Environmental Justice Organizations Win Passage of Clean Air Rule

September 13, 2024

Rail crew drivers from UE Local 1077 joined environmental justice organizations in persuading the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) board to pass a life-saving regulation for rail yards in the Inland Empire, Los Angeles County, and Orange County. In response to overwhelming public support, including a letter signed by the UE local and its allies, the rule passed unanimously at the board’s meeting in August.

Members of Congress Support UE Members Fighting to Save Union Jobs

September 5, 2024

The members of UE Locals 208, 808, and 1008 fighting to save their jobs from union-busting layoffs received some powerful help last month. Four Members of Congress and an Orange County Supervisor have sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary and the Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to urge them to stop union busting. (Update, September 6: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has also sent a letter to USCIS.)

UE Local 625 Fightback Restores Right to Wear Union Shirts at Work

August 23, 2024

UE Local 625, whose members build high-quality circuit breakers and high-voltage equipment at two locations, have successfully restored their right to wear union shirts on the shop floor. The conflict began in 2022 when their employer, Hitachi Energy, unilaterally imposed a new dress code which prohibited members from their wearing union shirts at work.

Organizing the South Theme of Local 150 Convention

August 16, 2024

With the slogan “Resist, Restore and Revitalize!” the 13th Biennial Convention of statewide UE Local 150 convened at the Franklinton Center at Bricks on August 10 and 11. Local 150 members from across North Carolina shared their experiences fighting for fair wages and dignity, and building their union, in one of the least unionized states in the country.

Attacks on UAW and Other Unions Seek to Curb Union Power, not “Anti-Semitism”

August 11, 2024

Statement of the UE officers.

In the face of rising working-class militancy, anti-union forces have launched various legal attacks on the labor movement, using the false claim that union involvement in protests demanding a ceasefire in Gaza is somehow “anti-Semitic.” Most prominently, the federal monitor charged with rooting out corruption in the United Auto Workers has engaged in wildly inappropriate behavior, in a clear attempt to use his immense legal power over the union to shut down their criticism of Israel. The National Right to Work Committee and union-busting law firms like Jones Day have also launched a series of legal cases, including some against UE locals, aimed at undermining union shop and exclusive representation.

Durham and Charlotte Chapters of Local 150 Win Largest Wage Increases in Years

August 2, 2024

After over a year of organizing and turning members out to actions, city worker chapters of Local 150 successfully pressured Durham and Charlotte City Councils to approve millions in raises for public workers in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. On average, full time workers in Durham on the general step plan will receive a raise of over $8,000. Workers with more years of service will receive higher wage increases with some totaling over $15,000. In Charlotte, members won a six percent raise and an increase in the minimum starting salary, which is now $23 dollars an hour.

Local 642 Members Ratify One-Year Contract after Difficult and Complicated Negotiations

August 2, 2024

After difficult and complicated negotiations, UE Local 642 members, who work at Harborcreek Youth Services (HYS) ratified a one-year contract on June 20. HYS is a behavioral health residential facility for male juveniles. The one-year agreement includes a 2.75 percent wage increase.

Mexico Elects Pro-Worker President, First Woman to Hold Office

August 2, 2024

In June, Mexico held federal, state and local elections. Claudia Sheinbaum, who had been the mayor of Mexico City, was elected the country’s first woman president. Her party, Morena, also gained a majority in both houses of the legislature and won at many other levels. 

Sheinbaum has pledged to continue the progressive reforms that the current president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, popularly known as AMLO, has put into place. These include improved rights in the workplace, requirements for democratic union elections, and strengthening social safety nets, like reforming the pension system to better support lower income workers when they retire.



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