UE NEWS Updates


UE Helps Lead Community Roundtable on Rail Pollution

May 31, 2024

UE Local 1177 President Larry Hopkins was one of the panelists at a community roundtable about rail pollution on Wednesday, May 29. “I live on the southwest side of Chicago,” Hopkins said, “and I’m bounded by four rail yards within a two to four mile radius.” He charged that the old, polluting diesel locomotives used in Chicago’s rail yards are “harming railroad workers and drivers like myself, and people that live in these communities.”

Canadian Parliament Unanimously Passes Anti-Scab Legislation

May 31, 2024

On Monday, May 27, Canada’s parliament unanimously passed new “anti-scab” legislation that will prohibit federally-regulated employers from using replacement workers during a strike.

“This legislation is about protecting the right to fair and free collective bargaining, including the right to strike,” said Lana Payne, National President of UE’s Canadian ally Unifor. The bill “modernizes Canada’s labor relations system to reflect the current social and economic context of this country, where increased corporate power and wealth requires an effective counter-balance.”

Locals 115 and 155 Secure Strong Union Rights During Immigration Audits

May 11, 2024

Both Refresco and Chasen Fiber Technologies thought they could intimidate their mainly immigrant workers — who are members of UE Locals 115 and 155 respectively — by running internal I-9 audits. Under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), employers are required to verify an employee’s identity and their eligibility to work in the country within three days of hiring them. However, employers have the right to audit their own records for compliance, quality, accuracy, and to comply with business contracts.

Organizing and Escalation Win Major Gains in First Contract for Local 197-TRU

May 11, 2024

Five days before we planned to vote to authorize our strike at a General Membership Meeting, the graduate workers of UE Local 197-Teachers and Researchers United reached a strong tentative agreement on our first contract. For graduate workers at The Johns Hopkins University (JHU), this monumental win came more than a year after we voted overwhelmingly to unionize and after 47 bargaining sessions with the university administration. A little over two weeks after we reached a full TA, we ratified our first contract, with a 99.5 percent yes margin, the culmination of years of organizing.

UE Local 704 Wins Sick Time, Highest Percent Raises in Local History

May 11, 2024

Members of UE Local 704, who handle liquid and bulk commodities like bulk salt, fertilizer, petroleum, and chemicals at a marine terminal on the Ohio River, ratified their second contract with Watco on April 8, 2024. Prior to 2016, Kinder-Morgan had employed Local 704 members. While the battle for an initial contract with the new company took two years of difficult negotiations, the successor agreement negotiations took only three days. Members had more bargaining power due to the company’s ongoing struggle to attract and retain DOT-certified employees in the greater Cincinnati area.

UE Members Rock Labor Notes Conference

May 11, 2024

Over 100 UE members and staff from across the country attended the 2024 Labor Notes Conference in Chicago in April. Many were featured panelists or workshop facilitators for 14 different program offerings, highlighting UE campaigns and skills. All participated in a rich variety of workshops, panels, and gatherings designed to grow the “trouble-making” wing of the labor movement.

Northwestern University Graduate Workers Raise the Bar for Graduate Education in First Contract Fight

May 11, 2024

Close to midnight on February 21, 2024, after a grueling 15-hour bargaining session, graduate workers at Northwestern reached a tentative agreement with the university administration on their collective bargaining contract. Members of the bargaining committee and observing members broke into applause and hugged one another as the agreement was finalized. Three weeks later, on March 15, 2024, a majority of Northwestern graduate workers voted to ratify this hard-fought and groundbreaking first contract.

Members of Local 222-21 Gain Wage Increases and Better Benefits in Two New Contracts

May 11, 2024

After three days of negotiations, the members of Local 222 Sublocal 21 who work as support staff and supervisors for the Trumbull Board of Education bargained and ratified two new contracts. The members won 2.75 percent wage increases each year of the three-year contracts. The workers were also able to negotiate with the company to have their insurance premiums increase only half a percent each year for the life of the contract, totaling only 1.5 percent, and won a matching increase of 0.5 percent to their 401(k) benefits.



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