Medicare for All

Two Important Virtual Events for Healthcare Justice

Mayo 23, 2024

Over the next two weeks, UE-allied organizations will be holding two important events about how to fix our broken healthcare system and how to fight back against new corporate initiatives to take advantage of seniors — both of which you can join from the comfort of your home!

The annual Medicare for All Strategy Conference sponsored by Healthcare Now will be held virtually from May 28-June 1. On Monday, June 3, at 8pm Eastern Time, the Labor Campaign for Single Payer and other groups will be holding a webinar titled “Taking Advantage: How corporate health insurers harm America's seniors.”

Medicare for All Reintroduced with Record Number of House Co-Sponsors

Mayo 18, 2023

On Wednesday, May 17, legislation to create a universal, “Medicare for All” healthcare system — a UE demand since the 1940s — was reintroduced in both the House and Senate. The House bill was introduced with a record number of co-sponsors, including the majority of the Democratic caucus and 13 powerful legislators who are the highest-ranking Democrats in their committees.

Privateers “REACHing” for Medicare

Junio 2, 2022

Medicare — the enormously popular government insurance system which has provided healthcare for our nation’s elderly population for over fifty years — could be effectively handed over to Wall Street within less than a decade, thanks to an under-the-radar program called “REACH.” Call your member of Congress today at (202) 224-3121, and tell them to take action to stop REACH.

Sanders Introduces 2022 Medicare for All Bill in Senate

Mayo 20, 2022

In the midst of a pandemic that has claimed nearly one million American lives – more than one third of which have been linked to a lack of health insurance – Senantor Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and fourteen other Senators introduced the Medicare for All Act of 2022 on May 12. The bill will guarantee health care to everyone in the United States as a fundamental human right.

Eastern Region Endorses NY Health Act

Febrero 2, 2022

UE’s Eastern Region has endorsed the NY Health Act, legislation to provide health care to every New Yorker through a public, Medicare-for-All style system. The legislation is “everything we’ve been asking for,” Region President George Waksmunski told the UE NEWS. “No co-pays, deductibles, premiums, network restrictions or out-of-pocket maxes, and you won't lose your house or your life savings if you have to go into a nursing home.”

Tell Congress: Expand Medicare Now!

Julio 20, 2021

We have a real opportunity in the coming weeks to win serious improvements and expansion of Medicare, and to do it in a way that will help us win Medicare for All in the long term.

Call your Senators and Representatives at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to support Medicare expansion! Or use National Nurses United’s dialer system (links in article).

New Medicare for All Bill Introduced

Marzo 18, 2021

The Medicare for All Act of 2021, H.R. 1976, was introduced into Congress on March 17 by Representatives Pramila Jayapal and Debbie Dingell. The bill was co-sponsored by more than half of the House Democratic Caucus, including 14 committee chairs and key members of the Congressional leadership. Moving this important piece of legislation will require constant pressure from working people. Read this action alert for ways to take action.
