Two Important Virtual Events for Healthcare Justice

Mayo 23, 2024

Over the next two weeks, UE-allied organizations will be holding two important events about how to fix our broken healthcare system and how to fight back against new corporate initiatives to take advantage of seniors  — both of which you can join from the comfort of your home!

The annual Medicare for All Strategy Conference sponsored by Healthcare Now will be held virtually from May 28-June 1.

Register for the conference

The conference will include one day of live workshops, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities on Saturday, June 1. In the preceding days, conference organizers will release pre-recorded presentations each evening that you can watch at your leisure. Registration is $50.

This year's conference theme is "Healthcare Beyond the Ballot Box," and the conference will feature:

  • A welcome from Rep Pramila Jayapal, lead sponsor of Medicare for All in the US Congress
  • A report-back on People's Action's occupation of UnitedHealth offices earlier this year
  • Campaign updates from state efforts to pass universal healthcare
  • Important news about what's happening at the Veterans Administration
  • Workshops on the tools to build momentum for Medicare for All and hold those in power accountable!

… along with plenty of time for learning, sharing ideas, fostering dialogue, and strengthening the movement for Medicare for All. Register here.

On Monday, June 3, at 8pm Eastern Time, the Labor Campaign for Single Payer and other groups will be holding a webinar titled “Taking Advantage: How corporate health insurers harm America's seniors.” There is no cost to attend this webinar.


From lead sponsor Physicians for a National Health Program: “Delays. Denials. Unexpected out-of-pocket costs. Everywhere that people with so-called 'Medicare Advantage' plans turn, they encounter barriers to the care they need — and the care their physicians have prescribed. Join us to learn about the many ways that corporate health insurers harm seniors and people with disabilities — and how YOU can fight back.”