UE NEWS Updates


Big Public Hearing Calls For Mental Health Workers' Bill of Rights

June 4, 2008

Raleigh - May 29

Over 200 mental health workers packed a public hearing to address the urgent crisis in North Carolina’s mental health system. The hearing, and the rally preceding it, were important steps in UE Local 150’s ongoing campaigns for collective bargaining rights for public employees; a one-year moratorium on the closing of Dorothea Dix Hospital in Raleigh; and a statewide Mental Health Workers Bill of Rights.

UE Wins Organizing Election at Phamaceutical Plant

May 27, 2008

Workers at a Chicago-area pharmaceutical factory here voted more than two-to-one for UE as their bargaining representative in a National Labor Relations Board election conducted over two days, May 22 and 23.
The victory came at the unorganized Ferro Pfanstiehl plant in Waukegan. The vote was 25-12. It was the second attempt at unionization at the factory, where workers narrowly rejected UE representation two years ago.

UE Officers Express Solidarity As ILWU Plans Antiwar May Day Work Stoppage

April 25, 2008

UE’s three national officers – President John Hovis, Secretary-Treasurer Bruce Klipple and Director of Organization Bob Kingsley – have sent solidarity greetings to Bob McEllrath, president of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union as ILWU members prepare to shut down all of the West Coast ports on May Day to protest Bush’s war policies.

U.S., Mexican and Canadian Labor Organizations Charge North Carolina Violates NAFTA Labor Rules

April 23, 2008

Two global union federations and more than 40 labor organizations in Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. representing several million workers, have jointly filed a charge against the United States, under the North American Agreement for Labor Cooperation (NAALC), the labor side agreement to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). (List of participating organizations below.)



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