UE NEWS Updates


UE Local 893 Reviews Political Struggles, Prepares for Tough Contract Bargaining

August 15, 2008

Plans for bargaining, organizing and political action were intensely discussed as UE Local 893-Iowa United Professionals held its 26th annual convention July 26 .  “Members representing all areas of the state were in attendance and they were enthusiastic about the issues,” says Local President Becky Dawes. “Our Local will be heading into negotiations with the state in late fall and early winter, and we anticipate a difficult time due to the national economy and the additional impact of the state’s recent natural disasters.”

UE Local 204 Wins 11.2 Percent Raises In Three-Year Haskon Contract

August 14, 2008

Members of Local 204 used stickers, lunch time meetings, vocal chords, and a final-day march to the front office to achieve a three-year contract the committee could unanimously recommend, and the members would overwhelmingly ratify. Management at Haskon knew that to go beyond the August 6 expiration date would leave production completely in hands of the members without the  “no work stoppage” clause of the contract being in effect. Once the expiration date rolls around, bosses are never quite sure what Local 204 has in store for them.

Determined Republic Workers Beat Give-Backs, Raise Pay $1.60

June 27, 2008

In a tough fight for their second contract as UE members, Local 1110 members at Republic Windows & Doors showed that they still have the fighting spirit that helped them organize into UE in 2004. Workers defeated the company’s regressive bargaining tactics and, in an industry badly impacted by the depressed housing market, won a new three-year agreement that increases their wages by $1.60, and retains the gains they made in their first contact.

Workers' Picket Wins Reorganization Protection; Union Pushes for USCIS First Contract by August 1

June 26, 2008

Picketing by UE Local 1008 members at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) Center in California paid off in early June when the negotiating committee for employees of lead contractor Stanley reached a tentative agreement with the company on its reorganization plan.



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