General Strike Committee

The Local Officers, Executive Board, Negotiating Committee, and Chairs of Committees form the General Strike Committee. This Committee is in full charge of the strike and is responsible to the Local membership. Its members should be available to meet at any time.

The General Strike Committee instructs each Committee in its duties when each is first set up. It hears reports from ad gives direction to all Committees regularly. The jobs of the General Strike Committee are as follows:

  1. Meet regularly.
  2. Set up all Committees and assign their members.
  3. Keep in close touch with negotiations and see that all developments are reported to the membership.
  4. Maintain contact with the UE National Office.
  5. Approve the use of the phone tree when needed.
  6. Approve all strike publicity, both to members and the general public.
  7. See that Strike Bulletins are issued regularly containing information about negotiations, instructions to the strikers, and other pertinent news.
  8. Schedule regular strike meetings of the membership.
  9. Keep control of all strike finances; keep careful accounting of all funds raised by the Fundraising Committee.
  10. Keep adequate records of decisions made and acted upon by all Committees during the strike.
  11. Take all other measures necessary for properly conducting a winning strike.

In addition, the General Strike Committee should be directly responsible for two areas throughout the strike. First, it should budget available strike funds and continually revise this budget as needed. Second, it should directly handle all legal problems that might arise.

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