UE Political Action Updates


STOP ANDY PUZDER, Trump's anti-labor choice for Labor Secretary

January 25, 2017

Donald Trump has made some horrible choices for his cabinet, such as, for Education Secretary, a billionaire who knows nothing about public education except that she wants to privatize it.  His Treasury Secretary nominee is a former Goldman Sachs partner who foreclosed on 36,000 homeowners, in one case throwing a 90-year-old woman out of her house because she made a 27-cent error on a payment.

DON'T MOURN, ORGANIZE: Statement of the UE National Officers on the Election of Donald Trump

November 14, 2016

The election of Donald Trump, while very disturbing, should not come as a complete shock. For the past several decades the political establishment in both parties has advanced a set of policies known as neoliberalism that has made life harder for working people. Neoliberalism includes free trade, deregulation, privatization, and dismantling the social safety net, and it has been pursued aggressively by Republican administrations since Reagan, and Democratic administrations starting with Bill Clinton. This election year brought rebellion in both parties against what Bernie Sanders called “establishment politics and establishment economics.” That rebellion took the form, in the Democratic primaries, of the inclusive progressive populism of Sanders, and on the Republican side, the authoritarian, bigoted populism of Trump.

Roy Cohn, One of UE’s Worst Enemies, Was Donald Trump’s Mentor

October 26, 2016

The late Roy Cohn, an unscrupulous New York lawyer and power broker, was Donald Trump’s mentor for 13 years during his rise to celebrity status. Cohn helped shape the Trump we see today, and from him Trump learned his signature tactics of attack; insult; manipulate the media; never back down; never apologize or admit you were wrong; and when you have nothing to attack with, make stuff up.

UE Statement in Solidarity with Standing Rock

September 12, 2016

The UE National Officers today issued the following statement in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux people of North Dakota in their struggle to protect their land and water from the oil industry.

UE joins others in the labor movement in condemning the ongoing violent attacks on the Standing Rock Sioux nation and others who oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline. These attacks by a private security company bring back horrific memories of the notorious Pinkertons, who used clubs, dogs and bullets to break up peaceful worker protests.

NLRB Confirms Legality of Union Support for Israel Boycott; Union Condemns Political Attacks on BDS

July 22, 2016

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has reaffirmed its dismissal an unfair labor practice charge brought by an Israeli law firm against a U.S. union, the United Electrical Workers, over its support of protests against Israeli policies including the union’s endorsement of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) movement.

UE GEB Opposes Coup in Brazil

June 14, 2016

At its meet at UE's national headquarters in late May, the union's General Executive Board adopted a resolution opposing the ongoing coup against the democratic pro-labor government of Brazil.


Statement of the UE General Executive Board


UE Endorses Bernie Sanders for President

April 24, 2016

The United, Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), which represents 35,000 private and public sector workers throughout the U.S., has voted to endorse Bernie Sanders for President. The endorsement was approved, without opposition, by rank-and-file local delegates from the union’s three regions (Western, Northeast, and Eastern) over the past six weeks.
