UE Political Action Updates


Replace NAFTA National Day of Action

December 7, 2017

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) helped corporations outsource one million good jobs from the U.S.

The terms of this massive corporate power grab are now being renegotiated, with talks happening right now in Washington, D.C.

This could finally be our chance to replace NAFTA and end its damage — but the negotiations are happening behind closed doors with 500 corporate advisors granted special access and the public locked out.

Local 150 Helps Elect Pro-Worker Candidates in North Carolina

November 30, 2017

Among the wave of progressive, pro-worker candidates elected in local elections on November 7th were several strong supporters of UE Local 150. Local 150 members in four North Carolina cities — Greensboro, Charlotte, Durham and Raleigh — hosted candidate forums, talked with their co-workers, met with candidates and participated in election turn-out work. All four cities saw their city government shift in a more worker-friendly direction.

UE Joins Rally for Immigrant Rights in Gary

October 9, 2017

On Friday, UE joined a rally at the Gary-Chicago International Airport, to protest the deportation of immigrants.

“An attack on immigrants is an attack on worker rights, and the working and living conditions of all U.S. workers,” said UE Local 1177 executive board member Shelly Burke, who represented UE on the speakers’ list. “We need a halt to deportation and all other harassment of immigrants.”

Sanders’ Foreign Policy Speech Reflects UE Positions

September 29, 2017

“UE has always supported a foreign policy based on labor solidarity and diplomacy,” said UE General President Peter Knowlton. “We especially welcome Senator Sanders’ insistence that our country must seek to build stronger relationships between people at the grassroots level, and his drawing attention to the fact that inequality, corruption and authoritarianism are part of a single system that oppresses and exploits workers across the globe.”

UE Welcomes Introduction of Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

September 14, 2017

"Sanders' Medicare for All bill is exactly what UE members have demanded for decades: a universal, single-payer healthcare system which guarantees coverage for all people," said UE Director of Organization Gene Elk. "We are ready to mobilize our members and communities to take on the health insurance industry, Wall Street, and the politicians who represent them, and to win healthcare as a right."

UE Condemns Trump’s Tolerance of the White Supremacist Attacks in Charlottesville

August 14, 2017

White supremacists and neo-Nazi organizers emboldened by Trump’s presidency see the Trump era as their time and Trump has done absolutely nothing to discourage them. UE condemns the attack on Charlottesville VA and promises to continue organizing in our workplaces and communities to fight racism, fascism and bigotry.
