Sindicatos Locales Efectivos

Dealing with the Media

There are lots of reasons why unions should talk to the press. Often we need the support of the community in taking on a battle with the employer. Getting the word out to large numbers of people can usually only be accomplished by getting coverage in the media. (Though the union should never ignore the value of passing out leaflets informing the public of what is happening, especially if their workplace is regularly visited by the public, like a grocery store or a university.) Good stories in the press and on the internet can also lead to contacts for organizing new workplaces.

Getting Free-Riders to Push



  • When you talk with "free riders" keep in mind what UE members have won in your workplace—everything from better wages and working conditions to dignity and a voice on the job.
  • Write out the progress UE has made — it should make a good leaflet for new members and non-members.
