The biennial UE Convention is rank-and-file democracy in action. Delegates from around the country set UE policy, elect the union's national officers and learn about our union's progress since the last convention. It's UE's most educational and inspirational event.
The 70th National UE Convention
September 16-20, 2007
Omni William Penn Hotel
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Convention Information
UE Conventions begin on Sunday and end at noon the following Thursday. Rank-and-file delegates, respresenting UE regions and local unions from across the country, meet to decide the policies of the union, set the union's goals and elect the union's top officers.
- New in 2007, Regional Council meetings will be held Saturday afternoon and (or) evening prior to the start of the National Convention.
- Find out more about UE Conventions.
UE policy for the coming two years is debated and voted upon by convention delegates. Policies are drafted from resolutions submitted by UE Locals, Regions and the UE General Executive Board (this link will take you the policies acted upon by the most recent convention).
All UE Locals are strongly encouraged to submit policy resolutions to be considered by the convention. Resolutions may be sent by email or by mail (please include a disk). Electronic submissions (Word or WordPerfect files) are preferred but not reuqired. Resolutions submitted by mail should be addressed to:
Bruce Klipple
General Secretary-Treasurer, UE
One Gateway Center, Suite 1400
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
By UE Constitution, resolutions must be received "no later than one month prior to the Convention" (which, this year, is August 16th).
Hotel Information
Delegates are asked to make their hotel and travel reservations as soon as possible to avoid last-minute issues and problems.
- This year's hotel reservation cutoff date is August 8th, 2007.
- New this year: we'll have a direct link to online registration at the Omni William Penn. Online registration will be available shortly.
- We've got complete hotel information ...
Getting Here
There are no special airline/travel agent arrangements this year. Several airlines fly into Pittsburgh; delegates should explore all possibilities. Use of the internet is strongly recommended to achieve the cheapest fare. Another option: Amtrak also serves Pittsburgh from New York/Phildelphia; Chicago and Washington, DC.
- Driving Directions to Pittsburgh ...
- Getting here from the Pittsburgh International Airport ...
Registration will take place from:
- 5 pm - 8 pm, Friday, September 14th
- 2 pm - 8 pm, Saturday, September 15th
- 8 am until 8:45 am. and during recesses
Locals and Regions can greatly facilitate registration by sending credentials (blue copies for delegates and green copies for alternates) and delegate fees to the National Office as soon as possible.
Once again, Tuesday will be devoted to workshops. Delegates (and UE members living in the Pittsburgh area who would like to attend a convention workshop(s)) are encouraged to register online.
More Information
- A convention subsidy program is available for many UE Local Unions
- Convention Call — here's the memo sent to all UE Local Unions and Regions by UE General Secretary-Treasurer Bruce Klipple that accompanied this year's convention call.
- Agenda — We will post a tentative agenda prior to the convention ...
- Daily Summaries of convention activities will be posted on on the UE website.