UE National Conventions

The UE National Convention is our union's highest decision-making body — and UE's most educational and inspirational event of the year. In five days of work, rank-and-file delegates from UE locals and regions from coast-to-coast:

- debate and adopt the union's policy for the coming year;
- elect the union's national officers;
- participate in workshops; and,
- tend to the work involved in running a rank-and-file union.
Since 1936, UE conventions have been held regularly to ensure the democratic functioning of our union.
The UE National Convention is held every two years. Sometimes, people express surprise that the UE convention is held as frequently as it is, instead of every four or five years as is typical of many unions. Our response is simple: if the members are to truly "run this union," then they must meet to review the union's work, set it's policy, and decide on it's national leadership regularly.
Do we have fun? Of course we do! But, it's hard work, too. As any delegate or observer will tell you, the members of this union show an amazing amount of dedication, concentration, and thoughtful reflection as they participate in the UE National Convention.
- Read an excerpt from our on-line pamphlet "UE Aims and Structure" which offers an overview of the convention and how it works;
- Read about previous conventions, as reported by the UE News: 2007, 2005, 2003, 2002 (summaries only), 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998
- Review the UE policies adopted by delegates to the most recent UE Convention convention.