Contract Information
THURSDAY, JUNE 28 , 2007 — By a substantial margin, UE members in the GE chain have ratified the proposed 2007-2011 National Contract between UE and GE.
The voting was conducted over the past several days by UE-GE local unions across the country. The tentative agreement had been recommended for acceptance by the UE-GE Conference Board at its meeting held in New York City on June 19th.
The new contract is effective retroactive to June 18th and will run until June 19, 2011.
• SEE ALSO: Retirees Win First Structural Pension Increase in Seven Years!
Summary of 2007-2011
UE-GE Tentative Agreement
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 , 2007 — A UE-prepared summary of the 2003-2007 UE-GE Tentative Agreement is now available online.
UE members in UE-GE local unions will be voting on the proposal during the next week, with voting to conclude by no later than Thursday, June 28th. We will post an announcement about the results when they become available.
UE-GE Conference Board
Recommends Tentative Agreement
TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2007 —The UE-GE Conference Board, meeting in New York this morning, has voted to recommend acceptance of the tentative agreement reached Sunday with General Electric (GE) for a new National Contract. The UE-GE Conference Board is made up of representatives from UE-GE locals nationwide.
This morning's action follows separate decisions made Sunday by the UE Negotiating Committee and the CBC Steering Committee to recommend acceptance.
The proposed contract now goes to UE locals, which will be taking ratification votes. More information will be available Wednesday afternoon.
Tentative Agreement Reached
SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2007 — A tentative agreement was reached Sunday at the small table between the CBC unions and GE for a new four-year contract.
The full GE negotiating committee met Sunday evening and voted unanimously to recommend acceptance of the tentative agreement to the UE-GE Conference Board, which will meet on Tuesday morning in New York City.
The CBC steering committee is also unanimously recommending acceptance of the tentative agreement.
By agreement with GE, details of the proposed new contract will be withheld until approximately 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, to allow the GE Conference Boards of both the UE and the IUE-CWA time to consider the agreement and make recommendations to their respective memberships. As in the past, we expect to provide a summary of the tentative agreement on the UE web Wednesday afternoon.
UE was represented at the small table by Conference Board Secretary Steve Tormey and General President John Hovis.
Negotiations Summaries
- Summary #15 for Saturday, June 16th:
Major Issues Unresolved;
Sunday Promises to be 'Intense' - Summary #14 for Friday, June 15th:
Members’ Mobilization Helps,
But Still Far From Settlement - Summary #13 for Thursday, June 14th:
Slim Pickings At the Small Table - Summary #12 for Wednesday, June 13th:
GE New Hire Horror Show - Summary #11 for Tuesday, June 12th:
GE Assaults Health Care;
Offers Some Pension Improvements - Summary #10 for Monday, June 11th:
Unions, GE Meet, Prepare
For Intense Week of Bargaining - Summary #9 for Thursday, June 7th:
Union, Company Sum Up Positions;
Bargaining Moves into Second Phase - Summary #8 for Wednesday, June 6th:
UE: Workers, Retirees Need Pension Increases - Summary #7 for Tuesday, June 5th:
UE, GE Clash on Pensions, SERO Windows - Summary #6 for Thursday, May 31:
UE Pushes for More Paid Time Off;
Raises Apparatus Shop Issues - Summary #5 for Wednesday, May 30:
Union Opposes GE
On New Hire Benefit Cuts - Summary #4 for Tuesday, May 29:
UE: GE Workers Deserve Improved
Health Care - Not Cost Shifting - Summary #3 for Thursday, May 24:
UE Committee Challenges GE on Health Care Cost Shifting - Summary #2 for Wednesday, May 23:
UE Makes Case for Job & Income Security Improvements;
Wage Increases, COLA, and GE's Ability to Pay ... - Summary #1 for Tuesday, May 22:
'Differences Are Obvious' as Bargaining Opens ... - Opening Statement by GE Negotiator John Gritti
- Opening Statement by UE Gen. Pres. John H. Hovis, Jr.
UE began negotiations with GE on Tuesday, May 22nd; the IUE-CWA began its talks the day before. UE and the IUE-CWA hold national agreements with GE while members of 11 other unions are covered by local agreements. In all, 13 unions bargain jointly with GE and work together through the Coordinated Bargaining Committee of General Electric Unions (CBC).
We are posting negotiation summaries as they become available following bargaining sessions in New York. As in past years, we expect to have our summary posted the morning after a session has concluded.
News and Background Information
Retirees Win First Structural
Pension Increase in Seven Years!
As part of the tentative agreement for a new four-year National Contract, GE has agreed to “recommend” to its Board of Directors implementation of a structural increase in retirees pensions, the first since 2000. Read More ...
March and Rally
UE Local 731 Members
March for Decent GE Contract
Members of UE Local 731 conducted an impromptu rally and picket at the end of the first shift on Tuesday, June 12. "We have a lot of issues that we’re concerned about in negotiations," said Joe Leavery, the local’s vice president ... Read more ...
CBC RALLY, June 2nd
Thousands Rally in Erie
For Just and Fair GE Contract
Thousands of enthusiastic GE workers from several CBC unions filled Erie’s Civic Center arena Saturday for a rally in support of contract fairness ... Read more ...
CBC RALLY, June 2nd
Solidarity Messages From
Unions Around the Globe
UPDATED! Messages of support and solidarity from unions in a number of countries were cheered enthusiastically at the CBC rally in Erie. Read them here ...
MAY 30th, 2007
UE Local 506 Members
Strike Over Subcontracting
The 3,800 members of UE Local 506 conducted a grievance strike against subcontracting by the General Electric Company Wednesday ... Read more ...

Unity, Solidarity and a Message
To GE; Local 332 Members Rally
The Friday before UE-GE national bargaining opened in New York, UE Local 332 members in Fort Edward, NY, were making sure GE got their message . We've got photos ...

UE Local 751 Members Demonstrate
'We're Ready' for Bargaining
UE Local 751 members took their bargaining demands for 2007 to the plant gate at GE's Niles/Mahoning plants in Ohio on May 11. We've got photos ...
GE's 'Self-Interview' On Negotiations:
Casey at the Bat
One of GE's pre-contract rituals has always been to have the head of their negotiating team "interview" himself about upcoming negotiations. We take a critical look at the latest issue of a GE publication called "Focus" (which GE is mailing out to thousands of CBC members), containing the self-interview of GE's Union Relations manager, Bill Casey. Not surprisingly, we provide very different answers to the important questions facing us in upcoming bargaining. Here's our focus ...
GE Retirees Demonstrate Their RAGE
Retired GE workers demonstrate in Erie to demand a badly-needed increase in their pensions. Retirees' leader Ron Flowers said it's been seven years since GE last adjusted its pensions for retirees, making an increase long overdue. Here's the story ...
UE-GE Conference Board Reviews Proposals,
Prepare For Start of Negotiations
Delegates from UE-GE locals have reviewed and finalized proposals for national contract bargaining, which starts on May 22 in New York City. The union's proposals cover a range of issues .... (UE News) ...
GE Rakes in Record Profits ...
And Goes on a Buying Spree
With $20.7 billion in profits (that's $2.3 million dollars an hour), GE posted yet another year of record profits and revenues in 2006. At the same time, GE has been spending money on acquisitions, a stock buy-back program and increased dividends (UE News) ...
No Reason for GE Health Care Cost-Shifting,
Tormey Tells IUE Local 201 Meeting
Health care will be the subject of direct attack during this year's GE negotiations, despite the company's soaring profits and below-average insurance cost increases, according to UE-GE Conference Board Secretary Steve Tormey. Enthusiastically received at a meeting of IUE-CWA Local 301, Tormey stressed that unity is the only way GE worker can fight back (UE News) ...
UE-GE Conference Board, Locals
Prepare For Start of Bargaining in May
The need for preparation and membership involvement were two important recurring themes as delegates to the UE-GE Conference discussed contract demands and strategies in preparation for the start of national contract negotiations with the General Electric Company in May. The current contract expires in June ... (UE News) ...
Multi-Union GE Meeting Begins
Preparing for Negotiations
Unity and joint action between the U.S. unions representing GE workers will be essential keys to success in this year's upcoming negotiations. Planning for joint cooperation between local unions got underway last year at a meeting held by the Coordinated Bargaining Committee of GE Unions (CBC) (UE News) ...
Some GE Bargaining History You Should Know
Here's a brief history of union bargaining with General Electric, updated for 2007, that answers some commonly-asked questions about how and where bargaining takes place and the role of the Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) of GE unions ...
Thank-you for visiting the UE-GE 2007 Contract News and Information page. Your comments are welcome.