Worker-Friendly Laws

Cambios al panorama legal

Los miembros de la UE saben que las leyes laborales de EEUU funcionan contra los trabajadores – algunas personas las llaman leyes patronales. La mejor manera de ganar lo que los trabajadores necesitan es organizar de manera colectiva y presionar al patrón. Pero aun es importante saber cuando podemos usar la ley en nuestro favor. Los representantes deben entender los cambios en los derechos laborales para que puedan hablar con sus miembros si surge alguna dificultad. 

Changes to the Legal Landscape

UE members know that US labor law is stacked against workers–boss law, as some people call it. The best way to win what workers need is to organize together and put pressure on the boss. But it can still be good to know where we can use the law to our advantage. Stewards should understand how workplace rights have changed so they can talk with members about it if it comes up.

Nueva legislación reconoce los derechos de trabajadoras embarazadas y lactantes

Los delegados sindicales de la UE y sus líderes deben conocer estas nuevas leyes federales: el Acta de Igualdad para Empleadas Embarazadas (PWFA por sus siglas en inlgés) y el Acta PUMP. Aprobadas en el 2022 estas leyes buscan asegurar mejores condiciones en el lugar de trabajo para empleadas embaradazas, posparto y lactantes, garantizando un ambiente laboral seguro y que les brinde apoyo.

New Legislation Recognizes Rights for Pregnant and Nursing Workers

Judy approached Chief Steward Amy over lunch one day. With a big smile, Judy shared that she had just completed her first trimester of pregnancy, and she and the baby had a clean bill of health from her doctor. Amy congratulated her.

Then Judy said, “Amy, I’m a little worried about telling Bob, our boss. My doctor said there’s a new law that gives me permission to carry a water bottle at work and ask for extra bathroom breaks, but I know Bob doesn’t like to give any extra breaks. Do you know anything about this law? Can the union help me?”

Using the FMLA

NOTE: This UE Steward has not been updated since it was first published over a decade ago. Some information may no longer be accurate. Specifically, many states now provide some form of paid family and medical leave.