Local 704 Members Call for Action Around Train Derailment

October 10, 2024

On September 24, a train derailment in Cleves, Ohio caused yet another toxic chemical spill. Media reports claim that the chemical that was released can cause short-term effects such as headaches, nausea and respiratory issues. Long-term exposure can lead to much more serious issues including organ damage. This chemical spill occurred about 300 miles from East Palestine, Ohio where residents are still dealing with the fallout of last year’s spill.

Local 704 President Matt Hembree
Local 704 President Matt Hembree.

Members of UE Local 704, who live and work within miles of the spill, are concerned about the impacts and the response from both the local governments and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Local 704 President Matt Hembree said, “I was worried and the communication was terrible. There was no siren or notification of any kind. I found out on Facebook. Our workplace, Watco’s Cincinnati barge terminal, is 8.5 miles away from the train incident. My kids' school was half a mile away east. They were evacuated, and my family that lives in Hooven a half a mile north was evacuated from their home. It was two days until they were able to return home to attend to their pets. My kids were out of school for two days. The EPA response is never enough. They said everything is back to normal, but who knows. It’s just like East Palestine. They just wanted to get the trains running again. No one told us anything.”

Through the Green Locomotive Project, UE is committed to fighting against the harmful environmental impacts of the rail industry. When railroad companies cut corners on health and safety, derailments and chemical spills occur. Residents and workers need answers from EPA so they can understand the impacts on themselves, their co-workers and families. UE will continue to fight to hold the railroad industry to account for preventable tragedies such as these.


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