UE Endorses Goals Of Labor Against War

January 21, 2003

The UE General Executive Board, meeting in the union’s headquarters here Jan. 16-17, endorsed the founding statement of the newly organized U.S. Labor Against the War coalition. The Board made a $1,000 donation to the coalition and agreed to publicize union-backed anti-war activity throughout UE and further internal discussions about the issues behind the drive to war with Iraq.

U.S. Labor Against the War was organized Saturday, Jan. 11 at the Teamsters Local 705 Hall in Chicago. More than 100 trade union leaders and activists took part in this founding meeting, representing more than 2 million trade union members. Among those attending the meeting were UE Genl. Vice Pres. Carl Rosen and Intl. Rep. Saladin Muhammad.

The resolution adopted by the meeting says that "Bush’s drive for war serves as a cover and distraction for the sinking economy, corporate corruption and layoffs." The resolution further argues that "U.S. military action against Iraq threatens the peaceful resolution of disputes among states, jeopardizing the safety and security of the entire world, including Americans."

The General Executive Board voted to donate $1,000 to U.S. Labor Against the War and to publicize the coalition’s statement around the union as part of a broadened discussion about the possibility of a war against Iraq and the underlying issues. The Board also encouraged attendance at upcoming anti-war rallies, particularly those on Feb. 15 in New York and other cities.

"This is clearly an issue that is on people’s minds," said Genl. Pres. John Hovis. Genl. Sec.-Treas. Bruce Klipple, a signatory of the call to the Jan. 11 meeting, will be responsible for coordinating the union’s anti-war activities.


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