UE NEWS Updates


Statement of UE National Officers on the Plant Occupation in Chicago

December 9, 2008

As most Americans who follow the news know by now, the members of UE Local 1110 have peacefully occupied the Republic Windows and Doors factory in Chicago since the evening of Friday, December 5. That was the day when their plant suddenly closed and their jobs were taken from them, with only three days notice, and without paying workers the vacation they had earned and the 60 days pay that the company owes them for not giving the 60 days plant closing notice required by the WARN Act.

No Final Agreement Reached; Bargaining Continues Wednesday

December 9, 2008

No final agreement was reached in bargaining on Tuesday involving UE Local 1110 members who have occupied their workplace, the Republic Windows plant, since Friday. Another negotiating session has been set for Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. (CST).

A statement issued late Tuesday night by the UE negotiating committee said, "Negotiations will resume tomorrow as the parties continue to work towards an agreement. Progress was made, and the bank and the Union are bargaining in good faith."

"Cautious Optimism" Reported After Republic, BOA Meeting; Second Meeting Set for Tuesday

December 8, 2008

After meeting for more than three hours Monday with the owner of Republic Windows and representatives from the Bank of America, UE Local 1110 members said they were "cautiously optimistic" and looking forward to a second meeting set for 1:00 p.m. Tuesday.

"We had a good discussion and the beginning of a negotiation," reported UE Organizer Leah Fried following a briefing and discussion held with workers who have occupied the plant since last Friday. Fried added, "but we will continue to occupy the factory until a resolution is reached."

Chicago Aldermen Aim to End City's Business with Bank of America

December 8, 2008

A contingent of 15 Chicago aldermen said today they will introduce an ordinance to require the city to stop doing any business with the Bank of America.

Bank of America cut off its line of credit to Republic Windows and Doors, causing the Chicago company to halt operations on Friday, December 5 and terminate its 250 workers with only three days notice, and without receiving their earned vacation pay, as well as compensation they are entitled to under the WARN Act. The workers' situation attracted world-wide attention begining Friday evening, when they began occupying the plant, refusing to leave until Bank of America, the company and other creditors honor their obligations to employees.

UPDATED: UE Members Occupy Chicago Plant in Struggle for Justice

December 7, 2008

Members of UE Local 1110 who work at Republic Windows and Doors are occupying the plant around the clock this weekend, in an effort to force the company and its main creditor to meet their obligations to the workers. Their goal is to at least get the compensation that workers are owed; they also seek the resumption of operations at the plant. All 260 members of the local were laid off Friday in a sudden plant closing, brought on by Bank of America cutting off operating credit to the company. The bank even refused to authorize the release of money to Republic needed to pay workers their earned vacation pay, and compensation they are owed under the federal WARN Act because they were not given the legally-required notice that the plant was about to close.

North Carolina UE Members to Picket Bank of America's Charlotte Headquarters, in Solidarity with Chicago Sit-In

December 7, 2008

Members of UE's North Carolina Local 150 will protest Monday at the Charlotte national headquarters of Bank of America, in support of UE members in Chicago who are occupying their factory, Republic Windows and Doors. National news media have been reporting over the weekend on the ongoing factory sit-in by the Chicago union members. The workers are members of UE Local 1110. The plant suddenly shut down on Friday, Dec. 5 with only three days notice to the union and workers, and without paying workers money they are owed.

UE Members in Chicago Need Our Help!

December 4, 2008

UE Local 1110 members in Chicago who work at Republic Windows and Doors are in a tough battle with their employer, as well as with the giant Bank of America. The bank - which has already been given $25 billion in as part of the taxpayer bailout of the financial industry - is refusing to extend credit to the company, forcing the plant to close and destroying some 300 jobs.

Local 684 Makes Pay Equity Gains in New Five-Year TEMCO Contract

November 10, 2008

Hopes of smooth, easy negotiations because of excellent company profits proved baseless for members of UE Local 684 who work at The Electric Materials Company (TEMCO), a specialty copper mill.  After exchanging proposals with the company on August 20, union bargaining committee members realized they were in for a fight.

First UE Contract Stops Takebacks, Improves Wage Equity at Ferro

November 10, 2008

On October 18, members of UE Local 1137 voted overwhelmingly to ratify their first union contact. Workers at the Ferro Pfanstiehl pharmaceutical plant had joined UE in May, when they chose UE representation by a two-to-one margin in an NLRB election.

Two major issues that drove both the organizing drive and contract negotiations were workers’ desire to stop the company from taking away employee benefits, and the need for a fair and rational wage system. Pay rates were all over the board, and even workers performing the same job often received vastly different wages.

Local 690 Reduces Wage Differentials, Holds Down Healthcare Costs at Kenson

November 10, 2008

In late October, UE Local 690 reached agreement with Kenson Plastics for a new three-year contract, which members ratified by a more than two-to-one margin. The local succeeded in retaining the existing healthcare arrangement, whereby the employer fully pays the premium for single coverage, and employees with family or dependent coverage contribute $75 a month toward the premium.



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