UE NEWS Updates


Bad Jobs in Goods Movement: Warehouse Workers for Justice Exposes Conditions in Will County

August 17, 2010

The vast majority of warehouse workers in Will County, Illinois – a huge hub for the logistics industry near Chicago – are temps who are paid poverty wages and receive no benefits. Those are among the findings in an eight-month study and survey of those workers on their economic status and working conditions conducted by Warehouse Workers for Justice (WWJ). The findings of that study were released by WWJ on August 16, in a report titled “Bad Jobs in Goods Movement: Warehouse Work in Will County.”

Local 170 Fights West Virginia Plans to Privatize Information Technology

August 16, 2010

UE Local 170 members are mobilizing against efforts by the state to privatize information technology (IT) jobs. On July 14, nearly 100 state Office of Technology employees showed up for a union press conference outside their workplace in the Capitol Complex – turning it into a rally against outsourcing. UE members say that state’s plans would not only wipe out jobs, but would endanger the privacy of West Virginia residents.

Autoline Workers Stand Firm in First Contract Fight as UE Members

August 16, 2010

With a 70 percent “yes” vote, members of newly-affiliated UE Local 735 employed at Autoline in Butler, Indiana on July 10 ratified a three-year agreement that was the result of hard-fought negotiations.  Autoline workers voted in April to affiliate their independent union with UE, as they faced attacks by the employer on conditions in the shop and harsh concessionary demands at the bargaining table.

Local 799 Wins Raises, Improves Language in Delaware City Schools Contract

August 16, 2010

Delaware, OH

Members of UE Local 799 have voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new two year contract that includes a wage increase, contract language improvements, and no concessions. Members of the local include the food service workers, maintenance workers, custodians, bus drivers, mechanics and dispatcher for the Delaware City Schools in Central Ohio. Wages were increased by 1.5 percent effective July 1, and there will be a wage and insurance re-opener on July 1, 2011. There were no changes to current health insurance.     



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