UE NEWS Updates


Local 222 Wins Big in Stamford Election

February 8, 2006

UE Local 222/CILU-CIPU scored a huge victory today (Feb. 8) in an election involving workers at the Department of Public Works. Nearly 80 percent of the 130 ballots cast named UE as the collective bargaining agent for the workers in the unit.

The workers approached the UE after becoming dissatisfied with their previous union affiliation. The vote gave workers a choice between Local 222, the other union, and none of the above.

The unit represents 151 workers, 103 of whom cast their votes for UE. Organizers said the results surpassed even their expectations.

UE Mourns Kinoy’s Passing

September 30, 2003

Arthur Kinoy, a former UE staff attorney, legal scholar and “people’s lawyer” renowned for his creative and vigorous defense of civil rights, died Sept. 19 at his home in Montclair, N.J. He was 82.

All who knew him associated Kinoy with an infectious, buoyant optimism, a boldness of vision and an understanding that the law could be an instrument for social change.

James Lerner, Labor Editor, Organizer Dies

September 23, 2003

James Lerner, an outstanding labor journalist whose work for UE spanned six decades, died Sept. 20 after a long illness. He was 92.

Lerner was born in New York in 1911. He attended City College there in 1927-28, then spent almost an academic year at the Experimental College at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Forced out because of lack of money, he returned home and held a variety of jobs.

A Woman’s Place Is in This Union

September 1, 2003

As a Local 610 steward in the 1970s, Lisa Kannenberg thought she and her co-workers were “pioneers” by organizing a District Six women’s conference. The late Evelyn Bell, longtime District office manager, set them straight, Kannenberg said.

Nearly 30 years earlier, Helen Quirini thought UE’s national women’s conference was an innovation, only to discover a groundswell of district and local women’s meetings. “We thought we were smart like you were smart,” Quirini said to Kannenberg, “but they were all doing it.”

Entoleter Strike Caps Insurance Costs

July 11, 2003

The members of amalgamated UE Local 299 who work at Entoleter decided on May 1 to strike to gain a cap on employee health-insurance costs and a decent raise.

Both goals have been achieved after seven-and-a-half weeks on the picket line.

The new contract, settled June 23, is the first with a new owner. Headquartered in Groningen, Netherlands, NIVOBA manufactures equipment and installations for the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and environmental industries. Entoleter has produced milling machines and air pollution control equipment for more than 60 years.

Directors' Posture Threatens City Market Contract

July 10, 2003

The union negotiating committee voted unanimously on July 7 to recommend rejection of a tentative agreement reached the previous week with City Market, a downtown supermarket/food co-op.

The decision to recommend rejection follows a meeting with the City Market Board of Directors, at which the board rejected three union requests:

1. A policy statement acknowledging that livable wages remain the goal for all City Market workers.

2. Assurances that management would share the same economic pain experienced by workers.



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