UE NEWS Updates


UE Members at Graham Packaging Still Don't Pay for Health Insurance!

March 28, 2002

The UE Local 1421 members at Graham Packaging take satisfaction from knowing that under the terms of their new agreement health insurance will continue to be a company-paid benefit – without a cent coming out of their pockets towards the cost of the premium.

Also, the contract sets doctor-visit co-payments at $5, so that the cost to Graham workers can’t be raised by health care providers.

Negotiations took five days, concluding March 1. UE members ratified the contract on March 6.

Local 264 Meets Goals In EIS Bargaining

March 12, 2002

As EIS Wire and Cable emerged from three years of bankruptcy under new ownership, the members of amalgamated UE Local 264 employed at the South Hadley plant faced tough challenges. The venture capitalist group that bought EIS recognized the union but not the contract.

UE members entered negotiations with three goals: get as much money up front as possible; because ground had been lost in previous negotiations, restore as much contract language as possible; get health insurance costs under some control. All three goals were met.

University of Vermont Shuttle Drivers Will Keep Their Jobs

February 22, 2002

The University of Vermont shuttle service will remain in-house, saving the jobs of shuttle drivers represented by UE Local 267. The university administration informed the union of its decision on Feb. 15.

The UE local and students had launched a campaign that demonstrated wide campus and community support for the drivers. More than 1,100 students, staff, faculty and community members signed a petition supporting retention of the shuttle service.

The administration concluded that the shuttle service provided by UE members was the best product for the best price.

Attack on Brazilian Federation Condemned by UE President

February 14, 2002

UE Genl. Pres. John Hovis has called on Brazilian authorities to thoroughly investigate the burglary of the offices of the Central Unica dos Trabalhadores (CUT), Brazil’s largest labor federation. The break-in – by men wearing police uniforms – occurred hours following approval of a national strike to protest regressive labor legislation. This raid also follows a series of assassinations of labor movement leaders.

UE Leaders (Old and New) Tackle Policy Changes at GEB Meeting

February 1, 2002

Call it on-the-job training: for fully one-third of the UE General Executive Board, including the national union’s financial officer, the meeting here Jan. 17-19 was their first. Not that any of the new board members were unfamiliar with the issues facing the union. Each brought years of UE membership and experience to the table.

UE News Update Means More News

February 1, 2002

Launched February 1st, the UE web has a new feature designed to bring more news, frequently updated, to our members and website visitors. It’s called “UE News Update.” The new service will function much like a news wire, displaying headlines and stories in the order they were posted on our website. The most recent UE News Update headlines will be displayed on our main UE News Online page.

Another First for Berlin Health Workers - Their First Contract!

February 1, 2002

On Jan. 29, the mostly women workers at Berlin Health and Rehabilitation made history again – by gaining a first contract after an extraordinary, 15-month struggle.

Berlin workers made history in August 2000 by becoming the first nursing home employees in Vermont to organize, and the first U.S. employees of CPL/REIT to gain union recognition.

The largest owner/operator of nursing homes in Canada, where it is based, CPL/REIT owns 20 nursing homes in the United States. Ninety-five percent of the Canadian facilities are unionized, none in the U.S. – except for Berlin.



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