UE Political Action Updates


Big Business Lobbies Hard to Close More U.S. Factories

May 20, 2008
Big business lobbyists – led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable – are working frantically this month mounting a last ditch push to pass the pending free trade deal with Colombia.  They have designated May as World Trade Month, and have flooded Capitol Hill with lobbyists in order to try once again to pass this discredited scheme.

What's the Real State of the Economy for Working People? Senator Sanders Investigates

April 13, 2008

Washington, D.C. 

Independent U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) has launched a new section of his web page entitled “The Collapse of the Middle Class.” Please take a few minutes and visit this web page.

Working people are encouraged to contribute their own stories of toil and struggle to his web page, unfiltered and un-edited by the corporate news media or economic “experts”.

Clinton vs. Obama: Keep Your Eye On the Issues

March 6, 2008

As the contests to select presidential nominees for the two official political parties comes down the home stretch, it’s good to know that it’s almost over. Senator John McCain (AZ) has won the Republican nomination after a bruising slugfest. President Bush has just endorsed McCain, reason enough to get ready to stop this guy at the ballot box in November. As for the Democrats, the competition continues with Senators Hillary Clinton (NY) and Barack Obama (IL) both focusing on the important Pennsylvania primary election on April 22.

What's Ahead in 2008?

December 11, 2007

Washington, D.C.

The New Year will usher in a very busy schedule on the political action front for 2008 at both the state and national levels. Here are a few of the highlights that all UE Locals, Regions, members, and staff members need to be aware of – and making plans for.

One Week in Congress: Bush Wins on Trade and Torture

November 8, 2007

The first full week of November has not been a particularly good one for working people on Capitol Hill. On November 8, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the U.S. - Peru free trade deal by a 285-132 margin, with 109 Democrats supporting it and 116 opposing it. This trade deal is the latest in a succession of job-killing, job-exporting schemes modeled after the disastrous NAFTA, and its passage was a major goal of the Bush administration and big business.

70th Convention Sets Political Action Course for UE

September 24, 2007

Delegates to the 70th UE National Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, have debated and passed unanimously a new Policy Action Resolution for the coming two year period. This resolution – the product of the UE Convention Policy Action Committee – sets the political action priorities of our union for the coming two year period, until the convening of the 71st Convention in 2009. The Policy Action Committee and its Policy Action Resolution were first introduced in 1993 as a tool to help assist in better achieving some of the high priority political action goals of our union.

Congress Throws in The Towel and Goes on Vacation

August 6, 2007

With Congressional Republicans blocking most significant legislation proposed by Democrats in the House of Representatives and Senate, both chambers have adjourned for the customary August month of vacation and visits to home states and districts. With more than half of the year gone, it looks increasingly likely that Congress is heading for a political train wreck this fall as the logjam of urgent legislation continues to pile up.

Senate Republicans Block Labor Law Reform Bill

June 26, 2007

As expected, when the U.S. Senate took up consideration of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)(H.R.800), Republican Senators closed ranks to block a vote on this critical legislation to restore the right to organize. A total of 60 votes are needed under Senate rules to end filibuster and proceed to an actual vote on the legislation. When the late morning vote was called on June 26, an insufficient majority of 51 Senators supported the cloture motion to end the filibuster by Republicans.

Help Press For Senate Vote On Card Check Bill

June 9, 2007

The “Employee Free Choice Act” (EFCA) (HR.800/S.1041) is due for a Senate vote any day now. This legislation provides for automatic recognition of a union when a majority of workers have signed union cards, replacing the existing broken and employer-corrupted “election” process. The bill also provides real penalties for bosses who break the law and fire or harass workers trying to join a union, as well as facilitating the negotiation of first union contracts on a rapid basis.

To view a list of Senate co-sponsors of the EFCA, visit;
