UE Political Action Updates


UPDATE March 18: Major Republican Attacks Stalled By Fierce Resistance

March 16, 2011

Working people across the country continue to expand the mobilizations to stop the gang-up attacks of big business, the Republican Party, and the corporate news media.  UE members have joined the battle in more than 10 states with more to follow.  Republican politicians in 25 states have launched radical attacks on the jobs, wages, pensions, health care benefits, and labor rights of millions of working people.  Their stated go

ACTION ALERT: Wisconsin, Ohio Battles Go Nationwide; Join the Fight For Workers' Rights!

March 10, 2011

As you’ve probably heard, the Republican-controlled Wisconsin State Senate has done a sneaky end run around state law, and around its own rules, to pass Gov. Scott Walker’s union-busting bill with no Democrats present. A few days ago Ohio’s State Senate passed SB 5, a similar anti-union bill, by just one vote. Workers are fighting for their rights in Indiana, Iowa and many other states. Union members and union supporters around the country are mobilizing in ever-growing numbers to defend collective bargaining and basic workers’ rights.

Ohio Union Members Fighting to Defend Rights

March 9, 2011

Public employee bargaining rights are under attack in several states, and much of the national attention has focused on the dramatic events in Wisconsin, where we’ve seen rallies as large as 100,000 people and more, a weeks-long occupations of the capitol building for weeks, state senate Democrats deny Republicans a quorum, and most recently, an end run by Republicans around the law to ram through their union-busting bill. UE members from around Wisconsin and the Midwest have journeyed to Madison battle.

February 24th Update: Working People Will Stop the Republican Assault This Weekend!

February 24, 2011

Washington, D.C.

The protests and demonstrations against the radical Republican Party and corporate attacks on working people are multiplying coast-to-coast. This weekend promises to be the biggest showing so far by working people who have already turned-out by the hundreds of thousands in dozens of states.

February 22nd Update: Pour on the Pressure!

February 21, 2011

Washington, D.C.

The battle to defend working people from the radical attacks of Republican politicians, big business, and the corporate news media is spreading all across the country. Tens of thousands of working people are demonstrating in Wisconsin and Ohio, with reports of regional actions coming in from dozens of cities and towns. UE members in several states have gone into action in defense of our wages, benefits, working conditions, and the very right of our unions to exist.
