UE Political Action Updates


Taxing Thoughts: How the Tax System Became So Unfair

April 27, 2012

No one likes to pay taxes. Even if you don't begrudge the government taking part of your paycheck, tax season is a stressful time, as many of us worry that we'll do a calculation wrong or get an audit letter from the IRS.

Taxes aren't a force of nature. Who gets taxed, and how much, is the result of laws that are the product of political struggles over the past century. There is plenty that is wrong with the U.S. tax system. To understand how we ended up where we are, it helps to look at the history of taxation in the U.S.

UE's Chris Townsend Debates Republican Over Attacks on Unions

February 20, 2012

On February 18, UE's Political Action Director Chris Townsend appeared on the program "Inside Story" on the global TV news network Al Jazeera. The topic of the 25-minute program was "Attacking Unions." The host asked whether Mitt Romney was politically smart to be attacking unions in the campaign for the Michigan Republican presidential primary, but the focus quickly broadened to a discussion of unions and their role in American politics. The other two guests were Jason Johnson, a political science professor, and "Republican strategist" J.P. Freire.

How Much Have Republican Attacks Cost Wisconsin? Report Surveys the Damage

February 17, 2012

The radical attacks on unions launched a year ago by Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker, at the direction of his corporate sponsors, have come at a high cost to working people. An important report issued by the Wisconsin AFL-CIO surveys the damage. It's titled "Losses to Working Families Under Governor Walker," and you can download the report here.

Union Backers Submit Petitions with 1 Million Signatures to Force Recall of Wisconsin Governor

January 17, 2012

Opponents of Wisconsin's union-busting governor Scott Walker today filed more than one million signatures on petitions calling for his recall. The legal requirement was for 540,000 valid signatures. The petitions delivered to the state Government Accountability Board in Madison weighed 1.5 tons.
