UE Political Action Updates


UE Leaflets on 2014 Elections Available for Download

October 7, 2014

Election Day 2014 is very soon -- November 4. A lot is at stake in this election for union members and working people. If pro-corporate anti-union extremists win a few more seats in the U.S. Senate, they'll have control of both houses of Congress, and they can do tremendous harm to workers' rights. They are also committed to wrecking Social Security, Medicare, and many other programs that workers have paid for and depend on.

The Crisis in Gaza: Statement of the UE General Officers

July 29, 2014

Delegates to UE’s 73rd National Convention in August 2013 reaffirmed UE’s longstanding concern about the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, and reiterated our union’s view that the U.S. government policy in this conflict has made matters worse. On the basis of our union’s principles and policies, we urgently call for an end to the bloodbath that is now occurring in Gaza.

In the resolution “For Peace, Jobs and a Pro-Worker Foreign Policy,” last year’s UE convention said in part:

The Fight to Raise the Minimum Wage

July 11, 2014

The federal minimum wage, a minimal protection against exploitation that’s meant to keep working Americans out of extreme poverty, has not been increased since July 2009. If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation over the past 40 years, it would now be $10.86 rather than $7.25. The minimum wage for tipped workers is only $2.13 and hasn’t been increased in 23 years.

Congressional Progressive Caucus Proposes Better Off Budget, Reflecting UE Priorities

May 7, 2014

Even before the snow melted, budget season returned to Washington. On March 4 President Obama offered a 2015 budget proposal, and  Republicans who in recent years have used obstruction, threats and even shut down the government to try to get their way, presented their budget appropriately on April Fools' Day. But on March 12 the Congressional Progressive Caucus – an organization of members of Congress to the left of Obama – announced its budget proposal which it calls the Better Off Budget.

UE Leaders Press Illinois Congressman on TPP, Fast Track

April 8, 2014

A UE delegation met on March 31 with Congressman Mike Quigley (D-IL) to discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement and legislation “Fast Track” trade authority to the president. The UE group included Western Region President Carl Rosen, Local 151 President Cliff Hall, Local 1110 President Armando Robles, and International Representative Leah Fried. They met with Rep. Quigley and his District Director Mary Ann Levar.

Help Stop Latest "Free Trade" Attack, UE National Board Urges Members

January 24, 2014

Meeting at the UE’s national headquarters on January 23-24 UE’s General Executive Board (GEB) adopted a resolution opposed to legislation currently being considered in Washington that would allow “free trade” agreements to be rapidly shoved through Congress with almost no debate. This “fast track” legislation is being pushed by the Obama administration, the Republican leadership, and major corporations and big business organisations. If they succeed in passing fast track, it will likely lead to approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the most damaging “free trade” deal yet.
