UE Political Action Updates


UE President Urges University of Iowa to Preserve Labor Center

August 3, 2018

UE General President Peter Knowlton sent the following letter to University of Iowa President Bruce Harreld, who has threatened to close the UI Labor Center. We encourage UE members and allies to take action to support the UI Labor Center at saveourlaborcenter.com/take-action, and follow Save Our Labor Center on Facebook.

Dear President Harreld,

It has come to my attention that the University of Iowa is intending to shut down the Labor Center. As you know since 1951 the Labor Center has been the only organization in the Iowa Regents system devoted to education about and for Iowa workers. Its programs have been largely due to the Iowa labor movement’s investment of ideas and time, including direct funding from unions, payment of program fees, and active support for state investment in public higher education.

Janus Will Not Stop Workers from Organizing Unions

June 27, 2018

The right-wing, anti-worker majority on the Supreme Court issued a ruling today against public-sector workers and their unions. In Janus v. AFSCME, five of the Supreme Court justices agreed with the billionaire- and corporate-funded National Right to Work Committee that public-sector unions should not be allowed to collect “fair share” fees from the workers they represent.

UE Local 228 Joins Poor People's Campaign Occupation of New Hampshire Executive Council Chambers

June 18, 2018

On Monday, June 11, members of UE Local 228 participated in the Poor People's Campaign action at the New Hampshire state house in Concord to demand a living wage and a reversal of the assault on the rights of organized workers. The state of New Hampshire abolished its state minimum wage in 2011.

The Poor People's Campaign Takes Labor Rights Protest to Capitol, Supreme Court

June 12, 2018

Retired UE Director of Organization Bob Kingsley joined the Poor People’s Campaign labor rights protest at the US Capitol and Supreme Court yesterday. Brother Kingsley was there as part of the legal team tasked with tracking arrests and getting demonstrators out of jail.

There were nearly 100 arrests for civil disobedience. Most arrestees were processed and released. Nine arrested in front of the Supreme Court spent the night in jail. Two of those arrested yesterday had addressed recent UE Conventions.

UE General Executive Board Condemns the Killing of Palestinian Protesters and Attack on First Amendment Rights

June 11, 2018

The UE General Executive Board, meeting in Pittsburgh from June 5-8, 2018, adopted a statement condemning the killing of Palestinian protesters and attacks on the First Amendment rights of Americans to engage in peaceful protest of Israel's military policies.

UE General Executive Board Calls for Support of the Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future (OFF) Act, HR 3671, and the Clean Energy Worker Just Transition Act

June 11, 2018

The UE General Executive Board, meeting in Pittsburgh from June 5-8, 2018, adopted a following statement endorsing and calling for support of the Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future (OFF) Act, HR 3671,  and the Clean Energy Worker Just Transition Act.

UE-Backed Candidates Oust Establishment Democrats in Pennsylvania Primary

May 21, 2018

Two UE-backed candidates, both women in their 30s, made history and shook up Pittsburgh’s political establishment by winning primary elections on May 15th against incumbent state legislators. Both of the defeated incumbents are members of the Costa family which has, until recently, played an outsized role in Democratic Party politics in Pittsburgh. Speaking to the UE Eastern Region, Local 610 President Antwon Gibson described the Costas as “a family of politicians who don't do anything for working people.” No Republicans have filed to run in either district.
