2008 Elections: Get Out the Vote - UE Political Action

2008 Elections
Get Out the Vote in 2008!

Materials to use in getting people to vote this November.

Flier #1

Four More Years?
We Can't Afford it!

Over the past eight years, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have presided over one of the most disastrous administrations in U.S. history, with an appalling record of corruption, economic chaos, endless war, and abuse of the Constitution. The entire time Bush and Cheney were running the country into a ditch, Senator John McCain was backing them all the way. Sen. McCain voted in support of Bush and his policies 95 percent of the time in 2007, and 100 percent in 2008 ...

Flier #2

John McCain Wants to Export
More Manufacturing Jobs

Senator John McCain has a clear record on issues that matter most to U.S. manufacturing workers. Over his 22 years in the Senate, McCain voted repeatedly to help companies close their U.S. plants, lay off workers, and send the jobs to sweatshops around the world. John McCain has supported every job-killing “free trade” scheme that’s come along – a major reason why big business loves him.

Flier #3

John McCain: Bad News For Public
And Service Sector Workers

John McCain his voted time and time again to encourage outsourcing of government jobs and public services, and against workers’ rights to join unions and bargain collectively.The Bush-Cheney administration has engaged in massive privatization of government functions, dispensing billions of dollars in no-bid contracts to politically-connected corporations. John McCain has been onboard with the Bush program from the start.

Flier #4

The High Cost of the
George W. Bush Presidency

The cost of the Bush Administration has been incredibly high: almost three million U.S. manufacturing jobs destroyed; inflation is at a 17-year high, with heating oil, groceries, utilities, college tuition and other necessities rising at double-digit rates; more than 47 million people still lack any health insurance coverage. More than 4,100 troops have been killed and over 31,000 wounded in the Iraq war. Almost 25 million homeowners now owe more than their homes' current market value. And there's more ...

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Can we afford four more years of this kind of
“leadership?” Can we afford President McCain?

Vote on Election Day
November 4.