2008 Elections
John McCain's Top Ten
Reasons to Register and Vote
1.The hypocrisy of McCain's "support the troops" rhetoric was revealed when he voted in May against a bill to expand education benefits for Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans.
2.A McCain presidency would be a continuation of the Bush-Cheney administration. McCain voted in the Senate exactly the way Bush wanted him to vote 95 percent of the time in 2007, and 100 percent of the time in 2008.
3.McCain has done nothing to control the rising cost of living. Instead, he supported the Bush scheme to rob six million workers of overtime pay when they're forced to work overtime, and he's opposed increases in the minimum wage.
4.McCain opposes the Employee Free Choice Act, which would restore the right to join unions, and voted to take away bargaining rights from federal workers.
5.He supported legislation to legalize company unions, and to make it legal to fire workers who try to organize unions. He calls unions "monopolies" and brags about Arizona's anti-union "right-to-work" law. In 1996 he supported a national "right-to-work" bill, to cripple unions.
6.He supports the export of more U.S. jobs through "free trade" agreements. He voted for NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, free trade with China, and every other job-destroying trade deal.
7.McCain is a danger to your retirement. He favors privatizing Social Security and he voted for the mislabeled "Pension Protection Act" which is actually destroying pensions. He voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age to 67.
8.He led the charge in the Senate to authorize the illegal Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld invasion of Iraq, opposed every attempt to bring the troops home, and said keeping U.S. troops in Iraq for 100 years "would be fine with me."
9.McCain would continue the Bush policy of cutting taxes on the rich, but his "healthcare policy" is to tax your health insurance by treating employer-paid medical premiums as taxable income! He plans to drive insurance costs up further by promoting high-deductible health savings accounts.
10.McCain offers no solution to the housing crisis, which he blames on homeowners acting "irresponsibly." He's opposed efforts to rein in predatory lenders, and instead voted to make things more difficult for workers trapped in high debt.
If John McCain is elected President on November 4, we'll have hundreds of reasons to regret it - and four more years of disastrous Bush-Cheney policies. None of us can afford that.
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