UE Local 332 Members:
'Hands Off Our Heathlcare!'

Ft. Edward, NY
November 5, 2010
UE Local 332, which represents GE workers in Ft. Edward, New York got an early start staking out their position on the difficult and contentious issue of health care in next years National Contract negotiations.
On November 5, members engaged in informational picketing and a rally outside the gates of the GE capacitor plant, to let the Company know they were not interested in any GE takeaways in medical insurance.
Specifically, the Local voiced their opposition to GEs high deductible Health Choice Plan which the Company, effective on January 1, 2010, shoved down the throats of their exempt salaried employees.
In addition to a large turnout of Local 332 members and retirees, the demonstration was attended by IUE Local 359 President Dominic Pastrigiani of the Waterford, NY silicones plant which was formerly a GE location before the Company sold it to Momentive Co.
Also on hand was the President of the Troy, NY Area Labor Council, Mike Keenan. And in a surprise, the new Congressman-elect of the district which includes Ft. Edward, Republican Chris Gibson, also made an appearance at the rally.
Local 332 distributed copies of the UE-GE Conference Board resolution opposing Health Choice as well as a leaflet which summed up the message sent loud and clear to GE: Keep your Hands Off Our Health Care!