A Recovery for ALL of Us - UE Freedom to Organize Campaign

Want an Economic Recovery
For Workers – Not Bankers?

Think it's wrong that Wall Street executives got $18 billion in bonuses last year while the economy went in the toilet and more than a million workers got laid off?

Bankers get bailouts - workers get thrown out.

We do. And we think it's well past time to act.

It's time to restore the right to organize to workers in the USA.

The Employee Free Choice Act would strengthen America's unions by restoring and protecting workers' rights to organize and bargain.

Together, we can re-balance the scales of economic justice.

More than half of all workers – over 60 million – say they would join a union today if given a free choice.

Bosses have stolen the right to organize. It really is time to win it back.

Flier download: Support The Employee Free Choice Act!

Tell Congress
to Pass the
Employee Free
Choice Act!

Want to do something right now?

Send us your message — we'll deliver it to Congress

• Use "Be Heard" to send your U.S. Senators and Representative an email (it's in the right column).

• Call your U.S. Senators today at 202-224-3121.