Food Co-op Workers in Pittsburgh Vote to Join UE

September 25, 2015

Workers at Pittsburgh's East End Food Co-op  voted overwhelmingly on September 14 to join UE. The vote in the NLRB-conducted election was 47 for UE, 4 for no union, and 1 for another union. 

After the vote the newest UE members gathered at a victory party to celebrate their accomplishment, and they now look forward to forming their own UE local union, electing a bargaining committee, and beginining negotiations for a contract to address issues such as wages, job security, and work schedules. UE Field Organizer George Waksmunski assisted the co-op workers organizing committee in their campaign.

Read a report on the union victory in Pittsburgh's City Paper

Listen to an interview with UE Field Organizer George Waksmunski about this organizing win on The Union Edge, a daily syndicated labor talk radio program produced in Pittsburgh. 


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