72nd UE National Convention
As required by the National union's constitution, the Convention Call has been mailed to all UE Locals and Regional Councils. If you have not received yours, please contact the UE National Office. Here is the cover letter which accompanied the call from General Secretary-Treasurer Bruce Klipple:
May 4, 2011
To: UE Locals and Regions
From: Bruce J. Klipple, General Secretary-Treasurer
Subject: Call to the 72nd UE Convention
September 25-29, 2011Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Please be advised that the 72nd National Convention of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) will take place Sunday, September 25 through Thursday, September 29 in Pittsburgh, PA.
Pittsburgh is the headquarters city of the national union, and this year’s convention comes in the 75th year since our union’s founding in 1936. This year’s convention theme “Fighting Back – Moving Forward,” reflects the difficult environment that UE and all unions confront today, and our need to fight through it with a vision of a better future for working people.
UE’s philosophy throughout our 75-year history has always been that the best defense is a good offense. As we battle against the most vicious union-busting attacks of our lifetime, and the worst economy since our grandparents’ time, we continue to fight for gains for our members, and to train and mobilize the next generation of UE activists, through the union’s various education events and the Young Activist Program.
The November 2010 general election changed the balance of power in Washington and in many state capitols, and for the most part, it was not a positive change. Wisconsin and Ohio have become the most visible examples of the systematic coordinated attack on working people by the corporations and the politicians who work for them. But working people are rising to the challenge, and public opinion has rapidly turned against anti-worker governors. Mass demonstrations by tens of thousands of workers in Madison and Columbus – and the workers’ occupation of the Wisconsin state capitol for several weeks – show that working people and their unions are capable of turning the tables on our foes. UE was there, and played a major role in the nationwide “We Are One” rallies on April 4, joining with teachers, firefighters and other union members, as well as students, peace and environmental activists, to take the people’s agenda to the streets.
At this year’s convention, delegates will set a course for UE that enables us to defend and improve our members’ working conditions and standard of living, build our union, and fight outside the workplace to protect and improve Social Security and Medicare, and defend the rights of working people to organize and bargain collectively.
Please note that while the convention starts on Sunday morning Sept. 23, during the afternoon and evening of Saturday, Sept. 24, each of the three UE Regions will hold Regional Meetings, at the same hotel as the Convention. Your Region President will notify your local regarding the exact times and other details about your meeting.
We will have a lot of important and exciting work to do at this convention, and we look forward to your local’s participation. Please note that proposals for Convention resolutions and constitutional amendments should be received at the National Office no later than August 26.