UE NEWS Updates


Local 1103’s First Contract Sets Up a Strong Local in the Face of a Fiercely Anti-Union Employer

April 12, 2024

After 2,000 graduate workers committed to strike, UE Local 1103 (GSU-UE) won a strong and historic contract with the University of Chicago (UChicago). Membership ratified the contract on March 28, after 10 months of negotiations with UChicago’s administration. 

Research Assistants at the University of Chicago Law School Join Local 1103

April 2, 2024

On March 19, graduate student research assistants (RAs) at the University of Chicago Law School voted 59–29 to join UE Local 1103-Graduate Students United (GSU). This election victory represents the first expansion of one of the newly-established UE grad locals. The vote was the culmination of a swift and thorough worker-led campaign.

Eastern Region President Denounces Effects of Train Derailment on Working People in Ohio

March 26, 2024

Last Saturday, UE Eastern Region President George Waksmunski traveled to East Palestine, Ohio to hear from residents affected by the February, 2023 train derailment and toxic chemical spill. They told their stories to a group of about 80 union leaders, environmental activists, and concerned community members, some of whom had come from as far away as Iowa, Texas and California.

“Look at East Palestine and you see the effects of capitalism and greed and profit and devastation in its wake,” Waksmunski said, after hearing the testimony.

New Local 667 Contract Makes Progress Towards Career and Family-Sustaining Jobs

March 19, 2024

UE Local 667, whose members work at Pittsburgh’s East End Co-op grocery store, ratified a new three-year agreement on March 7.

“We told the employer from day one at the [bargaining] table that our membership demanded a radical change in how our labor was compensated,” said UE Local 667 President Fritz Geist. “The local made it very clear through our actions that we were organized and stood collectively prepared to take all steps necessary to win a great contract.”

Southern California UE Members Learn Skills, Discuss Green Locomotives at Subregion Education Event

March 9, 2024

Leaders from four Southern California UE locals met for a subregion education event on Friday, February 23. For several members, this was their first time attending a union event outside their own local.

Western Region President Bryan Martindale welcomed the group, and introduced Director of Organization Mark Meinster, who shared greetings on behalf of the national union.

Local 155 Contract with Tinius Olsen Gives Workers Greater Control Over Their Time

February 22, 2024

The new contract between amalgamated UE Local 155 and materials testing machine company Tinius Olsen includes several measures that give workers greater control over their time.

Vacation time was greatly improved by eliminating the old system of attendance incentive days, personal days, and two holidays, and turning them all into vacation days. The union won more vacation flexibility by getting workers the right to use some vacation in one-hour increments, and reduced the notice time workers are required to give for vacation of three days or more. UE members also won greater rights to carry over vacation days, and the company agreed to look into a digital system to allow workers to check their accumulated time.



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