Willy Street Co-op is the largest non-union consumer Co-op in the country. Facing growing corporatization of our workplace, workers at Willy Street Co-op are uniting to ensure that we have a seat at the table in crafting workplace policy and to make the Co-op a better place to work so we can better serve the community. We are stronger together!
In UE, the members run the union through rank-&-file democratic control. The members make the important decision that affect their own local unions.
This is why we chose the UE. They are known as the "Union for Everyone" and have the same progressive values that we hold here at Willy Street Co-op. We wanted an organization that we controlled, because we are the ones who work at Willy Street.
UE is the union for Co-ops. We run this union.
Check out the hand-out below that details what makes UE different from business unions
By standing united, Co-op workers just like us have been able to fight for better working conditions, policies, and pay by negotiating a collective bargaining agreement, or contract, with their employer. Some of the things that other Co-op workers in UE won:
In UE, the members run the union. We here at Willy Street Co-op will be able to craft our own proposals to take to the negotiating table. We are the union.