The National Convention, held every two years, is the highest decision-making body in UE. It is composed of rank-and-file delegates elected by members of their local unions, plus five delegates from each Regional Council.
Each local, and Regional Council, is encouraged to submit policy resolutions for consideration by the delegates. The union’s General Executive Board also submits proposals to the Convention. Following discussion and debate, delegates vote to adopt resolutions. Those that are accepted become the policy of the union.
Delegates also vote on any necessary changes to the constitution, which must then be ratified by a majority of all UE locals before they can take effect.
UE Conventions last a total of five days and, by constitution, must be held in either August or September.
Delegates from each Region elect members to committees which guide the work of the Convention (see next page [2]). Committees generally meet when the Convention is not in formal session, usually early in the Convention week.
While most of the Convention itself is devoted to the formal business of running the union (delegates debating and adopting resolutions and accepting or rejecting Committee Reports on the work of the union), guest speakers are invited to address the delegates on important issues. Convention-wide workshops are also held as part of the union’s educational work. The Convention week is a great experience, but don’t let anyone kid you—it’s also a lot of work!
On Wednesday, delegates nominate and elect the UE’s three top officers (officially known as the General Officers).
Any UE member in good standing for a year or more is eligible to run for national office.
The three national officers (General President, General Secretary-Treasurer and Director of Organization) have the responsibility of giving leadership to and implementing the policies and programs adopted by the National Convention.
At the Convention, the officers report to the delegates on their stewardship of the union. Specific topics include organizing, servicing of UE locals, and administration of the union’s Political Action, Education, Publicity, and International Solidarity programs.
On the recommendation of the General Executive Board, delegates to the Convention also set the pay of the General Officers and UE Staff (Field Organizers and International Representatives) for the following years.
By constitution, UE’s three national officers “shall be paid a salary not to exceed the highest weekly wage in the industry.” To put it simply: UE officers can’t be paid more than the members they represent.
This may be surprising, but we believe it’s important for UE leaders to live like the members. We know that “boss-sized” salaries lead to “boss-like” points of view—and union leaders who are out of touch with their memberships.
The other question often raised has been “how do you get the best leadership?” The answer is easy. Since pay has never been the reason to run for office, then the motivation must come from something else. Like dedication. We think that’s a much better motivation than “doing it for the money.”
Credentials Committee — ensures that each local is properly represented, has paid its per capita, and that each delegate’s credentials are in order.
Constitution Committee — reviews and makes recommendations on proposed amendments to the union’s constitution before they come to the Convention floor. All constitutional amendments adopted by the Convention are then returned to the locals for ratification before they can become effective.
Rules and Order Committee — recommends the rules required by the Convention to assure the fullest participation by the delegates.
Resolutions Committee — reviews policy resolutions submitted by UE Locals, Regional Councils, and the General Executive Board. Like all other committees, it is composed of delegates from all areas of the union. This committee has the power to combine similar resolutions into a final version to be presented to the delegates. Following thorough discussion, the committee makes recommendations on the resolutions to the Convention. Resolutions are discussed and debated on the floor of the Convention before they are acted upon. Once adopted, a resolution becomes the policy of the union.
Committee on Organizing — reviews the union’s organizing strategy and tactics with the Director of Organization, along with resolutions on organizing submitted to the Convention. A full report is made to the Convention, usually taking a full afternoon.
Policy Action Committee — reviews the union’s priorities for the coming two years, discusses resolutions submitted to the Convention concerning these areas, and develops an action program for locals to use following the Convention.
Publicity and Education Committee — discusses the resolutions submitted to the Convention that deal with publicity and education and presents a comprehensive program to the Convention for discussion and action. This committee reviews the work of the UE’s Publicity and Education Departments.