2025 Per Capita Calculator
To assist with locals in determining proper monthly per capita rates for 2025 this calculator has been created. Please use this in conjunction with the Six Step Process Document which is available for download below.
First insert the average wage for your shop and select your local and if you are a sub-local then select local then select the shop. Your monthly per capita rate answer will be provided (rounded down to an even penny amount).
The monthly minimum dues rate is to give locals the opportunity to see if they are in compliance with the national constitution on dues. Today, a large majority of locals charge higher than the required minimum dues. This is wise because the additional revenue stays with the local to build a sound treasury. If your local is below this amount please contact us as we will need to develop a plan to address that going forward.
The national per capita system status answer was added in 2021 and it is provided to help locals with determining if they need to provide wage information along with the required forms. Locals whose answer under this question are “1.65 Formula (1.65 x average hourly wage)” or “Floor ($19 minimum per capita)” MUST submit to the National Union Attn: Megan Moffitt by the December 20th deadline a wage breakdown of each individual in the workplace as of November 1 of that year. Please contact both UE bookkeeper Megan Moffitt and General Secretary-Treasurer Andrew Dinkelaker ASAP if the deadline cannot be met.
To assist locals with obtaining information from their employers we have provided sample information requests that you can download and edit. One version includes a request for dues “checkoff” sheets to be provided if the employer isn't currently giving the local one with each dues check they give you.
Locals should refer to the PDFs below for additional information and copies of the forms that will need to be filled out. Please make every effort to meet the December 20th deadline.
PLEASE CONTACT BOTH UE bookkeeper Deb Leff and General Secretary-Treasurer Andrew Dinkelaker if the Local has questions or is unable to meet the December 20, 2024 deadline.