Local 332 Says GE is "Stonewalling" Information Requests

October 15, 2013

In UE Local 332's latest bulletin to members updating them on "decision bargaining" over GE's plan to close the Fort Edward GE plant, the union charges the company with "stonewalling." The company claimed that Ft. Edward is "non-competitive", but has failed to produce evidence to back up that claim, and has failed to provide information the union has requested. The union describes the paltry information provided by the company so far as "underwhelming."

Read the union's complete bulletin at the link below.

UE Local 332 members have been in a fight for survival since GE announced on September 18 that it intends to close the Fort Edward plant, and move the work to a non-union facility in Clearwater, Florida. This action will impact 178 hourly production workers as well as 20 salaried employees.

The national contract between UE and GE requires the company to give the union one year’s notice before it closes a plant, and to negotiate with the union over the decision to close, if the union requests it. “Decision bargaining” began on September 25. 


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